Legal Opinion
Our legal professionals can provide a written professional legal opinion on all matters ranging from litigation, corporate advisory, criminal law and more.
Initial Consultation
The primary purpose of the initial consultation is to gain a high-level understanding regarding the issue at hand. We aim to understand the key issues that concern our clients. Our firm typically conducts initial consultation in-person, telephone call or via video conference.
Review of the Documents
After the initial consultation, our firm will compile and issue a list to Request for Further Information and Documents (RFID). Our firm will vet through and review all the documents available to establish legal grounds as a reference points. Our team will typically have further questions and request during the initial process.
Legal Research
Upon the review of relevant documents from our clients, our firm will undertake legal research to address potential areas of concern including relevant statutes, case law, latest rulings, regulations, directives and more.
Legal Opinion
The draft and issuance of our legal opinion is the final stage of our process. Our professional legal opinion shall be the stance taken by the firm in consideration of the facts and documents presented to the firm, and in line with the latest relevant laws at the time of issuance.